Frequently asked questions about feedback and email management.
How do I use the Campaign Manager labels?
Are my messages compliant with Amazon's TOS?
Can I see my open rates?
How can I send an email right after an order is placed?
How can I verify if the Amazon Review Request button has been triggered by FeedbackWhiz?
How do I Automate Emails?
How do I check if my emails are going through successfully?
How to ensure there is no unwanted HTML in the template
How to remove or clear email queues?
How will Amazon's data protection policy impact your email template variables?
I received a negative feedback, how do I get it removed?
I'm getting the 16,000 character limit error when I create my template
What is a campaign and how many can I run at once?
Where is the unsubscribe link for emails?
Which campaign type should I use?
Why am I getting emails from Amazon about "your message to the buyer cannot be delivered"?
Why are feedback ratings not showing up in the feedback column?
Why do my links in my test email direct me to an error message?
Why is the campaign preview showing me the wrong data for my campaigns?