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Custom Alerts Offered
Written by Gigi Takhar
Updated over a week ago

Product Monitoring:
Product Review - Any Rating, Rating, Positive Reviews, Neutral Reviews, Negative Reviews
Title Change - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when the title changes for this item
Main Image -Enable this alert to receive email notifications for any changes to the main image.
Hijacker - Enable this alert to receive email notifications whenever the number of offers change on this listing.
Listing Variation
Best Seller Rank - Any Changes, BSR, BSR Change, Percentage Change.
Buy-Box - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when you no longer have the buy box on this listing.
Description - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when the description changes for this item.
Listing Bullet points - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes to the Listing bullet point.
Brand - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes to the Brand.
Manufacturer - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes to Manufacturer.
Dimensions - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when the item or package dimensions change for this.
Listing Price -Enable this alert to recieve email notifications for Any Changes, Price, Price Change, Percentage Change
Main Category - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes to the Main Category.
Sub-Categories - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes to the Sub Category.
Adult Flag - Enable this alert to receive email notifications when the adult flag changes for this item.
Listing Suppression: Enable this alert to receive email notifications for any listing suppression.
FBA Estimated Fees
ASIN Merge
Out of Stock: Enable this alert to receive email notifications when the product is out of stock.
FBA Blocked Listing: Monitors SKU for FBA blocked listings. Enable this alert to receive email notifications when there are any changes.
Product Type: Enable this alert to receive email notifications for any time there are product type changes.

Feedback Manager:
-Feedback Rating (Any Rating, Rating, Positive Feedbacks, Neutral Feedbacks, Negative Feedbacks)
-Feedback Removal -Notification of any feedback removal

Order Manager:
Order Refund-You can set a custom alert to receive alerts when a refund is made for an order.
Units per order- You can set custom alerts for a specific range for the number of units within an order.
Units Sold (Aggregate)- You can set custom alerts for a specific range for the total number of units sold.
Order Volume (Aggregate)
Revenue -Summary, Amount, Amount Change, Percent Change
Cost-Summary, Amount, Amount Change, Percent Change
Net Profit-Summary, Amount, Amount Change, Percent Change
Margins (%)-Summary, Amount, Amount Change, Percent Change

Marketplace Account
Account Health
Health Status

Performance Metrics
Late Shipment Rate
Invoice Defect Rate
On Time Delivery Rate
Valid Tracking Rate
Pre Fulfillment Cancellation Rate
Listing Policy Violations
Product Authenticity Customer Complaints
Product Condition Customer Complaints
Product Safety Customer Complaints
Received Intellectual Property Complaints
Restricted Product Policy Violations
Suspected Intellectual Property Violations
Food and Product Safety Issues
Customer Product Reviews Policy Violations
Other Policy Violations

Email Summaries:
You can set up an alert to receive email summaries Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Here is the Alerts Demo

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