FeedbackWhiz provides the ability to receive alerts via Slack Channel.
You would navigate to
Within Alert Settings, you would click on "List Management"
You would click on the "Slack Setup" and Select "+Add Channel"
The instructions will be provided in the pop up:
First: Create your desired channel in Slack to receive FeedbackWhiz alerts.
Go to Slack API webhook page.
Click "Create Your Slack App" and choose to create the app from scratch.
Enter your App name, select your workspace, and click "Create App".
In the app settings, go to "Incoming Webhooks" and enable it.
Click "Add New Webhook to Workspace", choose the Slack channel, and click Allow.
Copy the generated Webhook URL and paste it below.
Copy the generated Webhook URL and paste it below.
To create Customized Alerts, refer to
When setting up the Alert, you can select the Slack Channel.
*This is only applicable with product monitoring currently.